Restore one or multiple contacts in the platform in one go.

Currently, we permanently delete contacts in HIPAA-compliant locations.


Restoring a Single Contact

Step 1: Click on Contacts

Click on Contacts

Step 2: Click on Restore in the tabs on the top

Step 3: Click on Restore on the right of any of these contacts on the top right and this modal will appear.

Step 4: Click on Confirm

This will restore the contact(s): 

  • Opportunities
  • Notes
  • Tasks
  • Appointments
  • Conversations
  • Campaigns/Workflows

Restoring Multiple Contacts

Step 1: Select multiple contacts and restore all of them in one go:

Restoring from a Bulk Delete

Step 1: Go to the Bulk Delete operation under Bulk Actions > Click on the 3 dots and click on Restore

Step 2: Restore begins and you can check the updated restore action and it's stats on the bulk actions page