If you are not able to use our tool to move numbers (Moving Numbers tool across sub-accounts), you will need to checkout the steps below:

Twilio phone numbers can be easily transferred between different projects by the Twilio Support team. To request this change, please gather the following information:

  • Phone Number(s): The full phone number(s) you wish to move.
  • Losing Account SID: The AC SID for the project or subaccount that is giving up the phone number.
  • Gaining Account SID: The AC SID for the project or subaccount that will be receiving the phone number.
  • Time frame: The requested time frame for your change to complete (ASAP or a future date).
  • Regulatory Requirements (if required):
    • As Twilio does not transfer bundles, 

      If you need to transfer a NON US / Canada number,  we will need to create a bundle/address on the project or subaccount that will be receiving the phone number.

Once the Twilio support team moves the number into the correct sub-account within your agency's Twilio account, you will see the number in HighLevel > Client Sub-Account > Settings > Phone Numbers.

How to identify the Twilio account credentials

You can identify the Account SID in the Agency Settings > Phone Integration page > https://app.gohighlevel.com/settings/phone_integration

E.g. If I want to move a number from the sub-account Appointment to Onboarding demo snapshot

To get the Account SID, click on the pencil icon on the right highlighted here:

Copy the Account SID here:

1. If the losing and gaining projects have different owners, Twilio will need approval from each side, so both account owners will need to Create a support ticket with Twilio support 


2. Subject: Moving numbers request

3. Comment:

Replace the highlighted part below:

Hi Twilio Support,

I would like to move the following phone number(s) to a new sub-account -


Losing sub-account SID - E.g. AC8a0eac4ea7651eba06137bbf1a907df62d

Gaining sub-account SID - E.g. AC8a0eac4ea7651eba06137bbf1a907df62d

Time-frame: ASAP

Please process this request at the earliest because it is business-critical for me


Product: Phone numbers

Business Impact:

P2 Degraded - Twilio or your configuration is not functioning properly or intermittently

4. Once all details above are filled out, Click on Submit

Click on NO

Click on