This help article provides a guide for integrating SendGrid as your SMTP provider within the HighLevel platform. It details the necessary configurations and settings to enable seamless email delivery through SendGrid. The article covers the technical steps required to properly configure SendGrid, ensuring optimal performance and reliability of your email communications. For any advanced troubleshooting or specific queries, please refer to the detailed instructions provided within the article.


Step 1. Sign up for SendGrid

Step 2. Go to Location Settings in your sub-account

Click on Email Services > Add Service > Select Sendgrid from the dropdown

If you want to integrate Sendgrid for all locations, you can set this up in the agency view:

Step 3. Get your SendGrid API

Click on Settings > API keys > create API Key

Type an API Key Name

Make sure API Key Permissions is Full Access

Click Create & View

Copy the highlighted API Key Created

Step 4. Add your API key to HighLevel

Username: apikey

Email: Your Sendgrid Login Email

Password: Paste the highlighted copied API Key here

Click Save

Step 5. Setup 2FA with SendGrid

Step 6: Verify SendGrid email account as a single sender

Create a sender here with your Sendgrid Login Email

Step 7: Integrate again by clicking Save again in HighLevel:

Now you will see SendGrid as your SMTP Provider in HighLevel

If you are getting an error when you send a test email in the Conversation

click the ⚠️(red triangle) icon to view more details about the error in the conversation

550 The from address does not match a verified Sender Identity. Mail cannot be sent until this error is resolved. Visit to see the Sender Identity requirements

When you mask the sender email, make sure the sender email matches with the SMTP integrated email, or make sure th sender email is verified with Sendgrid:

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