The key to being a successful affiliate for any company is getting yourself out there! Whether you're new to HighLevel or you're a passionate veteran, the HighLevel Affiliate program is a great way to earn 40% monthly recurring commission from everyone you introduce to HighLevel! 

If you haven't signed up to be an Affiliate yet, follow this link here. For all of our current affiliates looking to get their first five affiliates, we met with our top affiliates and here's their advice to you!

Method #1: Send An Email/SMS To Your Colleagues

To this day, the best method for effective marketing is still word-of-mouth. If you love HighLevel, you probably have colleagues who would, too!

Every HighLevel account has access to the Marketing Agency Snapshot, which is a perfect starting point for a potential affiliate nurture campaign.

Simply create a sub-account using the Marketing Agency snapshot then go to Marketing > Campaigns > A Potential Affiliate Nurture for an outreach template that you can customize to send out to all of your friends & colleagues!

Simply activate the campaign then go to Contacts/Smartlists, select your colleagues, and use the Add To Campaign bulk action to push them into the campaign!

The Marketing Agency Snapshot also has a landing page that you can find under Funnels & Websites > Funnels, which is a great starting point for your potential affiliate landing page.

Method #2: Create Educational YouTube Videos

Why did you switch from your previous platform(s) to HighLevel? What are your favorite features of HighLevel? Are there any special gems that have allowed you to take your agency to the next level?

Sharing your answers to any of the above questions are great topics for YouTube Videos! New and old agency owners are constantly browsing through YouTube for tips on how to optimize their current workflow. Screen recording your process and leaving your affiliate link in your YouTube video description is a great way to capture new leads!

Method #3: Write Insightful Blog Posts

Similar to the tip above, agency owners who are looking to take their business to the next level can also be found searching for answers on their favorite search engine.

Writing blogs about “[Previous Tool] vs HighLevel -- Why I Made The Switch”, “[Other Tool 1] vs [Other Tool 2] - Why I left both”, etc. and dropping your affiliate link at the bottom of the blog can help agency owners make the same decision that you did!

Be sure to use best practices for SEO to ensure your posts start indexing so that search engines can start displaying your post in search results related to the tools you wrote about.

Method #4: Hunt Down Opportunities on Social Media

Have you ever been so frustrated with a company that you tweeted out your anger and their customer support replied? Take that mechanism but bring it to the next level.

By searching for competitors of HighLevel features and/or key hashtags, you'll find all sorts of opportunities to introduce someone to HighLevel.

Above is an example of a search result on Twitter that showcases a perfect opportunity to add to a conversation and introduce HighLevel to someone who would clearly benefit from both HighLevel and your experience. 

Whether you talk about how HighLevel has helped you save money, save time, and/or you just believe it’s better, share your business tips!

Remember to keep your messages short and sweet, then ask them to either DM you or use your affiliate link to try it out for themselves!

Method #5: Start Building a Community

There are plenty of benefits to starting an online community, and one of them is that it’s a great place to cultivate your relationship with potential affiliates. With a Facebook group or a community around your digital marketing niche, you can share knowledge and increase trust with potential affiliates and customers, amplify your organic engagement, and improve your agency’s reach!

Not sure how to get a community started or what you’d talk about? The easiest way to build a community is to simply start documenting your process and successes! Posting content about wins that you’ve achieved for yourself or for your clients and linking them to your community with a call-to-action like “Join me in our XYZ Group for more info on how we made this happen” is a great way to get people to join.

Something to look forward to: Once you hit 10 affiliates, you can book a call with Kelsi, the Affiliate manager, and she’ll help you book a live webinar with Chase, Robin, or Shaun about HighLevel and your agency! It’s a great way to keep your momentum up (or even boost it!) and help your community get information straight from the source!

Bonus Method: Go Viral!

This one is obviously much easier said than done, but keeping up with the latest trends on social media dramatically increase your chances of going viral with content designed to generate potential affiliates.

Whether you’re hosting Clubhouse rooms or playing on the newest TikTok trend while showcasing advice, don’t be afraid to try something new to get the word out!