Why do I need to whitelabel the desktop web app? By whitelabeling your desktop web app, your customers will be using your domain when logging in and using the app. For example, instead of "app.gohighlevel.com" they would use "app.myawesomedomain.com"


To get started, you'll just need to complete four easy steps:


  1. Create a CNAME in your DNS records (typically at your domain provider) pointing to whitelabel.ludicrous.cloud for example at GoDaddy it might look like this: (the Host field is the prefix you'd like to use before your domain. It can be anything, but in this example, it is "app," meaning "app.myawesomedomain.com" would point to the HighLevel servers.
  2. Log into your HighLevel Agency account and enter the subdomain as configured in the previous step. Go to the "Agency View" in the sub-account chooser at the top of the side navigation bar  > "Settings" > "Company" > "Whitelabel Domain". Scroll down and click the "Update Company" button to save.

    NOTE: If you previously set up your white-label domain and you want to update it to run on whitelabel.ludicrous.cloud, you'll need to first delete the whitelabel domain field using the trash icon, then click Update Company to save, then re-enter your sub-domain into the Whitelabel Domain field and save again. 

  3. Upload your agency logo. Within the "Agency View," go to "Settings" > "Agency Settings" > "Company Logo"
  4. Update your agency Terms & Conditions. Within the "Agency View," go to "Settings" > "Agency Settings" > "Terms & Conditions URL" 


Once your DNS record propagates (typically within a few minutes at most), you can access your new domain, for example: "https://app.myawesomedomain.com" and you will see your login screen, logo and terms & conditions. 

Congrats you're done!