Use Case
Slot Intervals
Slot Availability
User Availability
Interview Scheduling
The slot interval can be customized based on the duration of the interview.
Slots are only available when all the interviewers are free simultaneously.
The system checks the availability of all interviewers.
Team Meeting
The duration of the meeting determines the slot interval.
Slots are available when all team members are free.
The system checks the availability of all team members.
Sales Call
Slot intervals are customized to accommodate the length of the sales call.
Slots are available when all involved sales personnel are free.
The system considers the availability of all sales personnel.
Technical Support Call
Slot intervals can be set according to the estimated call duration.
Slots are available when both the customer support rep and engineer are free.
The system checks the availability of the customer support rep and the engineer.
Project Management Meeting
The slot interval is based on the shortest available time slot among all project team members.
Slots become available when all project team members are available simultaneously.
The collective booking feature considers the availability of all project team members.
Educational Tutoring Session
The shortest available slot between multiple tutors determines the time slot intervals.
Slots become available when all tutors are free at the same time.
The availability of tutors is considered in the collective booking feature.
Medical Consultation
The slot intervals are based on the shortest available time between a doctor, nurse, and possibly other medical staff.
The slots are available when the doctor, nurse, and other involved medical staff are free simultaneously.
The collective booking feature considers the availability of all medical staff involved.
Client Onboarding
The time slot intervals are determined by the shortest available time slot among the sales rep, product specialist, and customer success manager.
Slots become available when the sales rep, product specialist, and customer success manager are free simultaneously.
The collective booking feature considers all team members' availability in client onboarding.