To set up ActiveProspect consent tracking on a HighLevel form:
- Build your form as you normally would
- Create a Custom Short Text Field called 'xxTrustedFormCertUrl' > drag the field into your form above the submit button
- Save the form > Click 'Integrate Form' button > Click 'Link' tab > Copy form url and open in another Google Chrome tab (you will come back to this tab after step 4)
- Drag an HTML field into the form below the button > select the HTML field > click 'Edit Script' button > copy/paste the Custom Script below (don't save yet)
- Go back to the tab you opened in Step 3 > right-click the page and select 'Inspect' > choose the mouse pointer > click the xxTrustedFormCertUrl field > copy its ID
- Go back to the form/Edit Script modal and replace FORMID in both instances with the ID you copied > Save
- Copy the Custom CSS below > Open the Styles Tab > paste into the Custom CSS field > change the number in parenthesis to correspond with the position of the xxTrustedFormCertUrl field in your form.
- Save form
Custom CSS For Forms:
Custom CSS For Surveys:
- SlideNumber is a placeholder. It should be replaced with actual survey slide number.
- n is a placeholder for field which customer wants to hide.
Custom Script:
<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var field = 'xxTrustedFormCertUrl'; var provideReferrer = false; var invertFieldSensitivity = false; var tf = document.createElement('script'); tf.type = 'text/javascript'; tf.async = true; tf.src = 'http' + ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 's' : '') + '://' + escape(provideReferrer) + '&field=' + escape(field) + '&l='+new Date().getTime()+Math.random() + '&invert_field_sensitivity=' + invertFieldSensitivity; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tf, s); } )(); function trustedFormCertUrlCallback(certificateUrl) { document.getElementsByName('FORMID')[0].value = certificateUrl; document.getElementsByName('FORMID')[0].dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); } </script> <noscript> <img src="" /> </noscript>