Note: Now that Workflows are live in all accounts, you can do everything that Triggers and Campaigns do (and more!), all in one builder! Click to learn more about Workflows.


Covered in this article:

Which sender email should the leads be getting the emails from?

How to check if the contacts are assigned or unassigned

Places you can configure the sender email - Manual email

Places you can configure the sender email - Automated email

Which sender email should the leads be getting the emails from?

CasesUnassigned ContactAssigned Contact
Manual EmailsLogged in user email1st priority1st priority

Location EmailN/AN/A

Assigned User EmailN/AN/A

Agency EmailN/AN/A
Automated EmailsCampaign/workflow settings1st priority1st priority

Assigned User EmailN/A2nd priority

Location Email2nd priority3rd priority

Agency Email3rd priority4th priority
Review Request EmailsWe will always use the Logged in user email as the sender email
Appointment request emails
(calendar settings->3. Confirmation)
We will use depending on the Mailgun subdomain you set up for the location, or the SMTP integrated email

If you are using Mailgun/LC Email, we will use the Business email here if the lead is not assigned:

How to check if the contacts are assigned or unassigned

Search for the contact in the Smart Lists tab

Search Conversations -> Click on the icon on the right to view the Contact Details

Check who is assigned to the contact here:

Places you can configure the sender's email - Manual email

Conversation tab

The From email will be the user logged in email by default:

However, if you have 2-way email sync set up, the email will show the integrated email:

How to Set Up Two Way Email Sync for Gmail

Two Way Email Sync for Outlook

Places you can configure the sender's email - Automated email

Email template

Click on Marketing > Emails > Templates > +New

Bulk action - Send Email

Click Contacts ->Smart Lists -> Select Contacts -> Click Send Email

Add the From Name and From Email

Workflow settings

Click Automation -> Workflows -> Create Workflow

Select Start from scratch and click Create new workflow:

Click Settings -> Configure Sender Address

Workflow Send Email Action

Click on the + button > Select the "Send Email" option

Enter the From Name and From Email


1. Why is the From email for outlook always look long and strange?

This is an issue with how Outlook displays the sender's information. If you send this email to, it will show the sender's information correctly in Gsuite.  
Learn more about how to Hide "sent by" information in Outlook

2. How to remove send via information in Gmail?

Make sure to use the same sender email domain that matches the Mailgun domain you set up. Learn more about the Extra info next to sender’s name