
The "Slack Message" action enables you to send notifications directly to Slack, whether it's to a specific user, a private channel, or a public channel. This action allows for seamless communication and notification management, ensuring that team members are promptly informed about relevant activities or updates. As a premium action, it will incur additional charges for each execution.

Action Name

Slack Message

Action Description

The "Slack Message" action sends a customized message to a designated Slack account. You can choose whether to send a direct message to a specific user, post in a private channel, or broadcast in a public channel. This integration helps streamline communication by automating notifications for various events, such as task completions, contact updates, or new lead assignments.

Action Details

Choose an AccountSelect the Slack account you want to send notifications to.Yes
EventChoose the type of message to send: direct message to a user, private channel, or public channel.Yes

How to Configure:

  1. Choose an Account: Select the Slack account from the dropdown list where you want the message to be sent. This is required to ensure the message is delivered to the correct workspace.
  2. Event:Select the type of event you want to trigger the message. Options include:
    • Send Direct Message to a User: Choose this option to send a private message to a specific Slack user.
    • Send Private Channel Message: Select this option to send a notification to a designated private channel.
    • Send Public Channel Message: Use this option to send a notification to a public channel where everyone in the workspace can see it.

Suggested Triggers to Combine with This Action:

  • Task Added: Notify a Slack channel when a new task is assigned to a user.
  • Opportunity Status Changed: Send a message to a sales channel when the status of an opportunity changes.
  • Form Submitted: Send a notification to a specific channel when a customer submits a form.


Suppose you want to send a Slack notification to the "Marketing Team" channel whenever a new lead is added to the system and tagged with "High Priority."

Workflow Configuration Example:

  1. Trigger: Contact Added
    • Filters: Tag = High Priority
  2. Action: Send notification to Slack
    • Choose an Account: Your account
    • Event: Send Private Channel message
    • Channel: #Marketing Team
    • Message: A new high-priority lead has been added. Please check the details.