Custom Reports allow you to build and schedule tailored reports, perfect for sharing insights and data with your team or clients. Whether you start from scratch or convert an existing dashboard, this feature gives you full control over your report’s design, content, and scheduling. Here's how to make the most of it.

Step 1: Access Custom Reports:

  • Navigate to the "Reporting" section and click on Custom Reports.

  • Select New Report to start building your report.

Step 2: Start from Scratch or Use an Existing Dashboard:

  • You can either create a report from scratch or convert an existing dashboard into a report.

Step 3: Using the Report Builder:

  • If starting from scratch, you'll be taken to the Report Builder.

  • At the top, you can rename your report to reflect its purpose.

Step 4: Customize the Cover Page:

  • The first page of your report is the cover page, which you can customize or remove through the Page Properties menu on the right.
  • Page Properties Options:
    • Upload your company logo.
    • Configure headers for each page.
    • Adjust the background color of the report pages.

Step 5: Adding Widgets and Sections:

  • Once your cover page is set, click the + icon on the left to begin adding widgets.

  • From the widget sidebar, upload or customize the widgets you want to include in the report.

  • Use the Elements Menu to add titles and organize your report into sections for easy readability.

Step 6: Managing Pages:

  • To add a new page, click on the + icon at the top or bottom of an existing page.

  • To see a list of all pages, click the Page Icon.

  • Drag and drop pages to reorder them and rename them as needed for better organization.

Step 7: Download Your Report:

  • When you're done, you can download a PDF version of your report by clicking the Download button at the top.

Step 8: Save, Send, or Schedule Your Report:

  • After creating your report, click on Save and then choose Send or Schedule.

Step 9: Configure Your Report’s Schedule and Delivery:

  • Frequency: Set how often the report should be sent (daily, weekly, etc.).

  • Time: Select the exact time for the report to be delivered.

  • Date Range: Choose the data period to be included in the report.

  • Comparison Trends: Toggle the "Compare With" option to add trends and comparison data.

  • Sender Email: Customize the email address the report will be sent from.

  • Subject: Add a subject line for the report email.

  • Recipients: Enter the recipients' email addresses.

  • Optional Email Body: Add a custom message if needed.

Step 10: Send a Test Email:

  • Before finalizing, you can send a test email to check how your report will appear to recipients.

Step 11: Final Step – Save and Schedule:

  • Once everything looks good, click Save and Schedule to have your report automatically sent based on your configured schedule.