
Affiliate marketing programs can benefit from diverse commission structures. While traditional models often focus on pay-per-sale, our platform now supports a Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) model, where affiliates earn commissions for each lead they generate. This approach is ideal for campaigns focusing on forms, surveys, and calendar bookings. Below, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up both lead tracking and PPL commissions, simplifying how you manage and reward affiliate efforts.


Step 1: Create a New Campaign

  • Navigate to the Affiliate Manager under the Marketing section.
  • Click on the "Campaign Page" and then the "+ Add" button to create a new campaign.

Step 2: Select Source Type

  • Choose "Forms," "Surveys," or "Calendars" as the source for your campaign.
  • The Pay-Per-Lead model can be enabled for these sources.

Step 3: Enable Pay-Per-Lead

  • In the "Commissions" tab, toggle on the "Pay-Per-Lead" option to activate this commission structure.

Step 4: Set Per Lead Commission

  • Define the commission amount that affiliates will earn for each lead they generate.
  • Configure this under the "Per Lead Commission" settings.

Step 5: Configure Advanced Commission Settings (Optional)

  • Set up multiple tiers under the advanced commission settings if needed.
  • This allows you to reward affiliates and their sub-affiliates at different levels.

Step 6: Add Campaign Description & Assign Affiliates

  • Add a description to explain the campaign's goals to your affiliates.
  • Assign the affiliates who will be part of this campaign.

Step 7: Review & Finalize

  • Double-check all settings and make any final adjustments.
  • Click 'Publish' to make your campaign live.

Tracking Leads and Commissions

  • Monitor Leads: Once your campaign is live, you can track leads and their associated commissions directly from the affiliate’s profile page.
  • View Commissions: The Commissions tab will show the "Lead Commission" in the Product column, indicating the source of the commission for each lead.
Please Note:
Custom Embeds/Iframes: For accurate tracking, forms, surveys, or calendars must be added as components within a funnel or webpage. Custom code embeds and iframes are not supported for lead tracking.

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