When you integrate your Facebook account with Ad Manager, we ask for some necessary permissions to access your Business page.

Prerequisite for Ad Manager

Have a Facebook Page (Learn how to create Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1199464373557428?id=418112142508425)

When you first set up your Facebook Ads account with Ad Manager, you are asked to grant LeadConnector permissions to access and manage the Facebook Business account where you'll run campaigns.

To give permissions from Ad Manager :

  1. Go to Marketing > Ad Manager 
  2. Click the option to Connect Now or select the pages.
    Note - If you have already connected the account in Subaccount Settings > Integration, it will show all the pages where you are the admin to.
  3. Click Connect to Facebook by adding the username and password and granting the relevant permissions. Make sure all the toggles are enabled and checkboxes selected.
  4.  Once the permissions are granted to LeadConnector app, the next step is to identify the pages you would like to connect if you have multiple business pages.

Troubleshoot if the page is not found while connecting in Ad Manager

When setting up a campaign, Ad Manager needs permissions for the Facebook Business page where you want to run the ads. If the page doesn't appear while connecting the page in Ad Manager, it means some permissions are missing or you are missing permission of admin. 

Below is the permission checklist that needs to be referred by clicking on "Permission Checklist" on the screen be and all the mentioned permissions needs to be provided to LeadConnector to use Ad Manager without any hiccup.

- To give Facebook page permissions from your Facebook account:

  1. Sign in to your Facebook account where you created the relevant Pages.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow in the top bar on the right-hand side.
  3. Click Settings & Privacy
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Click Business Integrations on the left side.
Note: Business Integrations tab is present under your Facebook profile settings and not in the Facebook page settings.

  1. Select the Active or Removed tab at the top to search for LeadConnector business integrations.
  2. Click View and edit next to the relevant LeadConnector permission.

  3. Adjust the settings by checking or unchecking the boxes next to your information. In order to use Ad Manager seamlessly we recommend to give all the permissions to LeadConnector by checking in the checkboxes or toggle ON the permissions in the view and edit dialog. 
    The granular permissions which are necessary for Ad Manager are as follows:
    Manage your business - should be toggled ON
    Access leads for your Pages - should be toggled ON
    Show a list of the Pages you manage - should be toggled ON
    Manage ads for ad accounts that you have access to - should be toggled ON
    When you're finished click Save.
  • Note - If at any time you decide to remove mandatory permissions it will disconnect your Facebook account. You must reconnect before editing or starting a new campaign. Any live ad campaigns will continue running as usual. 

- Make sure you have the correct admin permissions

To set up and launch a Ad campaign, you need to get two admin permissions from Facebook.

You need to be the admin of Facebook page. To give permissions to the Facebook page
  1. Sign in to the relevant Facebook account.
  2. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
  3. Go to your Facebook page and click Manage
  4. Go to the Page Access option in Left hand panel
  5. Begin typing a name or email in the text box and select the relevant person.
  6. Click Editor to select a role from the drop-down menu and Click Add
  7. Enter your password to confirm the new permission.

Note: If you aren't Facebook friends with the person you're adding as page admin, they must first accept your invite before they can manage the Facebook page.