Introducing a new "Conversation AI" Action in workflow. Key Highlights:
  1. Create this action to ask a question to a contact
  2. Make branches for conditional flow based on the contact's reply
  3. Customize Personality and Additional Instructions for the bot
  4. Utilize the same bot training done for the Conversation AI Bot

In This Article

Question for the Contact

This is the main question that the bot will ask the customer. The bot will ask this question along with replying to an inbound message from a contact (if it exists)

Branches and Conditions

There are 2 standard branches that are created for each action with the capability to create new branches.

Standard Branches:

  1. Time Out - The contact does not reply back in the time specified in the action
  2. No Condition Met - The contact replied within the timeout period but no condition was met

New Branches:

  • Each Branch needs to have a Name and a Condition based on which the contact will go down that branch 

Prompt - Personality and Additional Instructions

The "Advanced Bot Configuration" toggle gives you the ability to see and customize the "Personality" and "Additional Instruction" for the conversation AI Bot.

The Prompt is generated by combining:

  1. "Personality" 
  2. "Additional Instruction"
  3. Question for the contact
  4. Context from the Bot Training done for the Conversation AI Bot
  5. Previous Conversation between the sub-account and the contact


Choose one channel from SMS, FB, and IG where the bot sends the message to the contact

Mechanism of the Conversation AI Action

Once the "Conversation AI" Action is configured, this is how the process proceeds once a contact reached the action:
  1. The prompt is generated and the message is sent from the conversation AI bot to the contact (if required the context for the bot is available from the "Bot Training" in the conversation AI Bot sub-account settings)
  2. The bot now waits for a reply from the contact for the time configured in the action
  3. If the contact fails to reply within the time period, it goes down the "Time-Out" branch (use this branch to create followups)
  4. Once the contact replies within the time period, the bot then checks which condition is met from the contact's reply from the bot and if no condition is met, the contact goes down the "No condition Met" branch (use the "GOTO" actions to ask the questions
  5. If a condition is met, the contact goes down that respective branch