Maximize your profit by adding Upsells to your checkout flow. Your customers can choose to purchase additional offers(s) after completing their first purchase.
In this article:
What is an Upsell?
Adding an Upsell?
Customizing an Upsell Checkout Page
Preview Your Upsell
Editing Your Upsell
Removing An Upsell
What is an One-Click Upsell?
An Upsell is used as a way to promote another Offer after the initial Offer has been purchased. A user will complete a purchase and the Upsell will appear on a new page with all the details.
The upsell page will ask your customer to make an additional purchase. Customers can then choose to purchase the Upsell or decline the Upsell.
After which, they will be redirected to the purchase completed page.
Adding an Upsell?
How-to add your Upsell to an Offer:
Step 1: First, Create an offer. (Help Doc)
Step 2: Then, return to your "Offers Dashboard" and select the "Offer" you wish to attach your Upsell to.
Step 3: Go to the Upsell section and click the "+ Add Upsell Offer" button.
Step 4: In the dropdown menu, select the Offer you want to use as the Upsell.
Step 5: Customize the Upsell page to your liking
Step 6: Save the customization and Upsell
Be sure to activate the upsell and save it.
Customizing an Upsell Checkout Page
There are multiple element that you can customize in the upsell checkout page to suit your brand identity.
To customize an Upsell checkout page:
Step 1: Click on the customization button in list view
Step 2: Apply customizations in the customizations section on the left of the page.
Step 3: Click on save to apply the customizations to the Upsell checkout page (Top right).
Preview Your Upsell
View your upsell purchase experience by clicking the "preview" icon on the list view or to the right of your Upsell customizations page
Preview your Upsell page from within the builder
Editing Your Upsell
How-to edit your upsell:
- Step 1: Click the Upsell attached to your Offer within your Offer Builder.
- Step 2: Then, in the Upsell page, select the name of the Upsell you wish to edit.
- Step 3: Edit the Upsell page/ Change your Upsell offer
Removing An Upsell
- Step 1: Click Offers.
- Step 2: Select the Offer in which you'd like to remove the Upsell from.
- Step 3: Go to the Upsell section on the Offer page and click on three dots.
- Step 4: Select "delete" to remove an upsell offer