
The "Remove from Workflow" action is used to automatically remove a contact from a specified workflow. This is particularly useful for managing contacts efficiently, ensuring they are only part of relevant workflows, and preventing them from receiving redundant or conflicting communications.

Action Name

Remove from Workflow

Action Description

The "Remove from Workflow" action allows you to remove a contact from a specific workflow. This can be the current workflow or another specified workflow. This action helps in keeping the workflow processes clean and relevant by eliminating contacts from workflows that are no longer applicable to them.

Action Details

Action NameEnter a name for your action, e.g., "Remove from Marketing Campaign Workflow."Yes
Workflow SelectionChoose to remove the contact from the current workflow or another specified workflow.Yes
Another Workflow (if selected)Select the specific workflow from which to remove the contact.Yes

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to Workflow Actions: Access the automation or workflow settings in your platform.
  2. Choose the Action Type: Select "Remove from Workflow" from the list of available actions.
  3. Name Your Action: Enter a descriptive name for the action, such as "Remove from Marketing Campaign Workflow."
  4. Select the Workflow: Choose whether to remove the contact from the current workflow or another specified workflow.

Example: Marketing Campaign Cleanup

Scenario: A business wants to ensure that once a contact completes a specific action, they are removed from the ongoing marketing campaign workflow to avoid redundant communication.

Action Setup:

  • Action: Remove from Workflow
  • Name: Remove from Marketing Campaign Workflow
  • Workflow Selection: Another Workflow
  • Specified Workflow: New Workflow: 1701182462789 (e.g., ongoing marketing campaign)

Workflow Actions:

  1. Trigger: The contact completes a purchase or subscribes to a service.
  2. Action: Automatically remove the contact from the marketing campaign workflow to stop sending promotional emails.

Outcome: This automation helps in maintaining a clean and relevant communication strategy by ensuring that contacts who have completed certain actions are not bombarded with unnecessary marketing emails, improving customer satisfaction and engagement.