Need to find your Client's Location ID?
Step 1:
Switch from the Agency dashboard to the Location Dashboard. To do that, click on "Switch to an account" in the top mid of your Agency dashboard and select an account as shown in the screenshot below.
Step 2:
Click on the settings at the bottom of the left column of the dashboard.
Step 3:
Click on Integrations as shown in the screenshot below. The Location of the "Integrations button" can vary depending upon the size of your screen, I am looking at a 21-inch screen.
Step 4:
In the Integrations, you will find the "Google My Business" block as shown in the screenshot below. Scroll down if it is not in the first row of blocks. Click on the "Change Settings" at the bottom of the block.
Step 5:
You will be presented with this window. You can copy your Agent ID by clicking on the icon shown in the screenshot below.