
The Course Grant Offer action allows you to automate the process of granting access to specific courses for your contacts with or without a payment gateway. This action is particularly useful for managing educational content, onboarding clients, or providing exclusive training programs, ensuring that the right users gain access based on their actions or conditions within a workflow.

Action Name

Course Grant Offer

Action Description

The Course Grant Offer action is designed to streamline the process of providing course access to contacts. It automatically enrolls users in a designated course, removing the need for manual intervention. This can be triggered by specific events or conditions, such as contact created.

Key Features:

  • Automate course enrollment for contacts based on workflow triggers.
  • Customize course offerings based on user actions or predefined conditions.
  • Simplify the onboarding process by ensuring timely access to educational content.

Action Details

Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Choose the Action Type:

    • In your workflow, select "Course Grant Offer" from the list of available actions.
  2. Name Your Action:

    • Enter a descriptive name for the action, such as "Grant Access to Beginner's Course."
  3. Select the Offer:

    • Choose the specific offer that you want to grant access to. This offer should could contain a discount or a free access to a course that is created. This could be a behind a payment gateway as well.
  4. Configure Access Settings:

    • Customize the course under Memberships>products where the course can be created along with the details, theme, offers etc.
    • Create an offer either behind a paywall or not to allow access to the course.
  5. Set Triggers and Conditions:

    • Determine the conditions that will trigger this action. This could include actions like completing a registration form, achieving a specific milestone, or creating a new contact.
  6. Additional Options:

    • Optionally, set up additional parameters such as sending a notification email to the contact upon enrollment with the details of the course and a CTA button to the course. 


Scenario: You want to automatically enroll a user in an "Advanced Marketing Strategies" course after a new contact is created. You also want to send an email to the contact with the course details.

Workflow Setup:

  • Trigger: Contact created
  • Action:Course Grant Offer
    • Name: "Course Grant Offer"
    • Offer: "Monthly subscription

Note : This offer will have to be created seperately under Memberships>offers.

  • Action:Send email
    • Subject: "Elevate your Brand with strategic marketing"
    • Template: "Advanced Marketing Strategies"
    • From email and Name: Location's email and Name by default

Note : This email template will have to be created separately in the email builder.

Outcome: When a new contact is created, a new course offer is created for the contact and same is sent over email.